Make a Fish.


Zoe Worrall


November 12, 2024

I Have a Confession

I’ve been Making a Fish every day since last year. “What do you mean?”“, you may be saying. What does it mean to make a fish every day?

Let me introduce you to Make a Fish. A wonderful website where, twice a day at 11:11 (am or pm), you can go to the url and make a fish. That’s it. It just randomly generates a 2D fish. What can you do with the fish? Frankly, nothing. It’s completely useless except for letting you make a fish every day. It gives some old-website energy, but other than that, all it is is a fun little thing you can do every so often. I heard about it from Ballroom club at the end of last year, and I thought it was fun so I started doing it.

It hasn’t stopped since. In fact, it really kicked off for me while I did a study abroad: the biggest thing I realized while abroad was how lonely adulthood will likely be. And how boring it can be sometimes if you don’t plan anything. I had a running Google Drive where I shared photos of what I was up to with my family - events like travel, visiting places like Don Quixote, the disaster I ran into when I bought shrimp with heads attached on accident and had to learn how to gut and remove them. But not every day was like that, and there were some days where the only constant was my 11:11 make a fish.

So as a result, I have a lot of fish on my phone right now. I try to do it every day, and its almost a track record showing that “although I was struggling, I was here and I managed to take the time to do one five second google search”. And I was thinking it may be fun to share all of the fish here - so here you go. All 288 fish.